Other News

Europaführer Angie triumphs again – twice

Europaführer Angie triumphs again – twice

February 14, 2015 at 8:53 am 0 comments

Two days ago I wrote a piece whose message was summed up in its title: “There will be no Grexit.” At that time international economists were demonstrating, calculators in hand, that it was economically impossible for Greece to stay in the Eurozone definitely, and in the EU probably. And AngieRead More

Three-parent children, germ-line gene manipulation and designer humans

Three-parent children, germ-line gene manipulation and designer humans

February 3, 2015 at 5:37 pm 0 comments

Today’s vote in Parliament in favour of allowing three parent children makes the UK the first country to cross internationally respected bioethical red lines. It does so first by allowing the creation of human beings using DNA from three human beings and secondly, by opening the door to germ-line geneRead More

Dangers facing the disabled in hospital

Dangers facing the disabled in hospital

January 21, 2015 at 7:57 am 0 comments

We have the best healthcare in the world, so we are told, free at the point of use. So why would there be any dangers facing the disabled in hospitals as they enter for healthcare? Well, perhaps British healthcare was once the best in the world but it most certainlyRead More

France draws fire – who’s next?

France draws fire – who’s next?

January 10, 2015 at 2:09 pm 0 comments

Here, some 100 miles south of Paris, things are peacefully quiet. In Paris itself there is no peace and there is no quiet. Yet another lot of innocent blood has been spilled by Muslim terrorism; yet another well of typographic paint has been uncapped. I can’t really add much toRead More

The solicitous Dutch warn us in English

The solicitous Dutch warn us in English

January 2, 2015 at 6:07 pm 0 comments

Amsterdam is lovely this time of the year, partly because it’s half empty. The Dutch, flying yet again, have all gone away on holiday, to be replaced by tourists from all over the world. Some of them are from Britain, and it’s mainly for their benefit that the few DutchRead More

Some cultural contradictions of liberalism

Some cultural contradictions of liberalism

December 29, 2014 at 12:59 pm 2 comments

‘Liberalism’ is not a term that admits of straightforward definition. To quote Nietzsche, ‘only something which has no history can be defined’ (On the Genealogy of Morality II.13), and liberalism has a complex and to some degree incoherent history. The liberalism of John Stuart Mill, for instance, is differently contouredRead More

Against Immanuel Kant — and Brendan O’Neill

Against Immanuel Kant — and Brendan O’Neill

December 20, 2014 at 9:15 pm 1 comment

Once upon a time — say, before the 1980s or 1990s — in quite a number of countries, people led normal lives: cases were argued, judicial decisions issued, laws enacted and conflicts solved without resort to reasoning of specifically or allegedly Kantian, or indeed Enlightenment/Kantian, types. Kant’s importance was foundRead More

Modern democracy as spivocracy

Modern democracy as spivocracy

November 29, 2014 at 11:38 am 1 comment

Generally speaking, a watershed between the right and the left in politics is formed by the Enlightenment.

People I’d describe as real conservatives detest it, while those on the left feel exactly the opposite.

John Major kindly explains what it means to be British

John Major kindly explains what it means to be British

November 17, 2014 at 8:34 pm 0 comments

Sir John, who, I don’t mind admitting, is my political, moral and intellectual idol, hit the nail on the head the other day, with Ukip being the nail and Nigel Farage the head.

Ukip, explained my idol, “is peddling sheer nastiness” that is “profoundly un-British in every way”.

Lies, damned lies and immigration statistics

Lies, damned lies and immigration statistics

November 16, 2014 at 8:08 pm 0 comments

Arithmetic and statistics are useful tools for liars. A little massaging here, a little bending there, and suddenly a lie sounds plausible. When it comes to liars in our government, they don’t have to distort their sums to make a false point. All it takes is applying arithmetic to issuesRead More