Other News

Syrian refugees, European havens and wanting ‘to be a person’

Syrian refugees, European havens and wanting ‘to be a person’

September 13, 2015 at 7:55 pm 0 comments

As he alighted from a boat recently on the island of Kos in Greece, an out of breath Syrian refugee was met by a journalist’s microphone and said simply  – ‘I want to be a person. Here I can be a person’. Yet another man nearby said in  broken EnglishRead More

Parliament overwhelmingly rejects assisted suicide

Parliament overwhelmingly rejects assisted suicide

September 13, 2015 at 7:41 pm 1 comment

Parliament voted against legalising assisted suicide yesterday by an overwhelming majority of 330 to 118. Of the 448 MPs voting, 73% opposed Labour MP Rob Marris’s proposed legislation with 210 Conservatives, 91 Labour MPs  and 11 Scottish National Party MPs rejecting the Bill. Although it is generally thought there isRead More

Kremlin.ru [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)]

Psychological ploys of Russian political life

August 11, 2015 at 3:13 pm 0 comments

It is difficult for western Europeans to understand the nature of deception in Russia’s current regime. Not that there is anything new about it – decades of refinement in dissembling, disinformation and projection  – beyond the comprehension of most ordinary people – is entrenched in Russian political life. Using psychologicalRead More

Saving an imagined Ukraine

Saving an imagined Ukraine

August 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm 0 comments

Ukraine’s western friends can’t help until the blinkers come off. “Save Ukraine!” went up the cry from the columns of a most respected newspaper. On 20 July The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece entitled “Crucial Weapon in the Defense of Ukraine.” Its authors were Stephen J. Hadley, a former nationalRead More

The lesser evil carries the day

The lesser evil carries the day

May 10, 2015 at 7:41 pm 0 comments

Photos of Dave grinning pretty for the camera, his arm around Sam, are emetic. But not, one has to admit, as much as photos of Ed indulging in public foreplay with Nicola Sturgeon would be. (They’re probably not involved, but you can forgive me for getting the wrong impression.) TheRead More

Has post-Soviet Russia really morphed into a bulwark of Christian morality?

Has post-Soviet Russia really morphed into a bulwark of Christian morality?

April 26, 2015 at 7:40 pm 5 comments

In today’s upside down world, Russia, which for seventy years had aggressively exported atheist materialism, both overtly and covertly, is becoming the defender of the principles that used to be the badge of the Christian West, while a composite swathe of authorities in the West are now openly promoting theRead More

Easter under Islam, churches under attack

Easter under Islam, churches under attack

April 9, 2015 at 10:24 am 0 comments

As millions of Christians around the world were celebrating Easter Sunday, the Christians of the Muslim world were again under attack.  The April 2 Islamic jihad attack on a Kenyan school—where the Islamic murderers made sure to slaughter only Christian students, sparing fellow Muslims—was only the most spectacular attack. OnRead More

Conservatism vs. libertarianism

Conservatism vs. libertarianism

March 20, 2015 at 4:28 pm 1 comment

“O liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!” cried Marie-Antoinette on her way to the guillotine. Indeed the Enlightenment shifted liberty to the fore of political desiderata. Since that shift, and largely because of it, the world has suffered the most oppressive tyrannies in history. This brings us toRead More

Freedom vs. privacy

Freedom vs. privacy

March 19, 2015 at 3:15 pm 1 comment

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one,” wrote Benjamin Franklin. In common with most pronouncements by Enlightenment thinkers, this is a pithy, epigrammatic phrase. There’s only one problem. It’s not true. Moreover, it’s rather the opposite of truth, and was so evenRead More

Perfect time to remove sanctions on Putin

Perfect time to remove sanctions on Putin

March 19, 2015 at 3:02 pm 0 comments

I, along no doubt with Peter Hitchens, have heaved a sigh of relief. For a while there I was genuinely concerned about Vlad’s continued good health, what with his having taken 10 days out of his public life. That disappearance act gave rise to all sorts of rumours, ranging fromRead More